Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Butterfly Rule

I would like to introduce to you my mother.
Beatrice Olive Marshall - only English parents would name their firstborn after a condiment.
She is 92 at this date and is still ravishingly beautiful, to me.
Thing about beauty is ... those blessed, have lives filled with strife and sadness. Yeah, the pit in the cherry. It's beautiful, it's sweet, but if you bite to the centre you will break your tooth! (Figuratively of course)
Therein lies, partially at least, The Butterfly Rule.
You see a butterfly, lovely as it is, has a tragically short life span. Once captured, death results. One with a butterfly spirit...a great beauty that flits from flower to flower with great expectations but little reward, will one day be captured and fed the likes of chloroform and has little choice but to still her wings. Yes, her body lives on,
wings fully spread for all to admire, but alas, the spirit no longer flutters within.
The Butterfly Rule: You may admire the butterfly, you may play with the butterfly, you may allow the butterfly to flutter over you BUT YOU MUST NEVER CAPTURE THE BUTTERFLY OR SHE WILL DIE.